Dr. Bill Hudenko, Troublemaker at Trusst

At the end of recording and editing a podcast, writing the accompanying blog post, getting the graphics right, and putting it online you can imagine I feel relieved. This time was different.

The relief I felt this time was knowing a highly qualified CEO and his company are on a mission transforming a business sector and enabling it to greatly improve life for those with a serious and wide-reaching medical issue.

The CEO is Dr. Bill Hudenko. The company is Trusst. The medical issue is the scarcity of mental healthcare.

Judging from the statistics below, Trusst is here in the nick of time.

Percentage of U.S. adults with any mental illness
in the past year as of 2019 – by age

  • 29.4%

    18-25 years old

  • 25%

    26-49 years old

  • 14.1%

    50 years or older

Statista 1

General statistics from the CDC

  • 20%

    of people have a diagnosable mental illness in the U.S.

  • Up to 25%

    of the 18-24 year old age group has contemplated suicide in the last month

CDC 1 / CDC 2

It will take a herculean effort to overcome stats like that…or maybe just a brilliant psychologist, researcher, and professor. That’s where Bill Hudenko, Ph.D. and his fellow troublemakers at Trusst come in.

All treatment begins with recognition that something isn’t working. The Trusst website doesn’t mince words. It has the following in large letters on their About Us page –

The mental healthcare system is broken.
Trusst is how we start fixing it.

  • Rather than wait a long time to get an appointment with a vetted therapist, patients using Trusst will simply take out their phone and text a message to their therapist on the Trusst solution. An answer will come back to the patient via text message no longer than 24 hours later.
  • Rather than wait until their appointment to recount some triggering incident, patients can text the update to their licensed mental health professional immediately, while every detail of the event is fresh in their minds.
  • Rather than fear the stigma of making visits to a therapist’s office, patients can text messages from anywhere.

An intervention of language

As you will hear Bill say in the podcast, psychotherapy is an intervention of language. Clinicians must say the right thing to the right person at the right time.

Because texting is digital, and because the Trusst app includes a learning engine, their success at delivering the right message correctly will only improve. Texting will never rule out the contribution of clinicians. They will pick up visual cues about emotions and feelings that a wireless phone cannot. So Trusst has built frameworks that clinicians can take advantage of as they use the messaging to provide more frequent touches.

Trusst will transform the delivery of mental healthcare. They have a very new approach and they know exactly what to do with it.

CTO – Chief Troublemaking Officer

Bill explained the characteristics that make him an industry disruptor:

  • A skillset acquired from a career in technology and mental health
  • An industry and business acumen acquired in roles like CEO, CSO, and CTO
  • A mind that looks for ways to “make it better” no matter what he’s fixed his gaze upon

Learn more about Trusst

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. January 26, 2018. Learn about mental health. Retrieved January 13, 2021 from https://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/learn/index.htm


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. August 14, 2020. Mental health, substance use, and suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic — United States, June 24–30, 2020. Retrieved January 13, 2021 from https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6932a1.htm?s_cid=mm6932a1_w

Statista 1

“U.S. Mental Health Issues – Statistics & Facts.”Statista – The Statistics Portal. Oct 18, 2019. Web. 13 January 2021. .

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